
Why these oysters are very unique?

1) Oysters are exotic food. They are somewhat irregular in shape  and are  consumed cooked or raw.  For some societies, oysters are regarded as exotic food. It is said that zinc and other contents in oysters are essential for testosterone production and maintenance of healthy sperm. It will also boost dopamine, a hormone that promotes libido in both women and men. 

2) Extinction of oyster reefIt is written in a journal entitle “The   Journal  Of  The  Indian   Archipelago And Eastern Asia by J.R. Logan (1858) that the River of Kassang was famous of its oysters. It says "The mouth of the river is famous for its oyster beds, the fish being  very  large  and  of  excellent   flavor". However, currently there is no more oysters at this place  due to developments and human impacts. We are still lucky to be able to see the remaining oyster population at Muar River and  coastal lines of Kesang today. This is the reason why  local authorities  are trying to promote a campaign on oyster reef restoration.  Oyster reef restoration refers to the process of rebuilding or restoring oyster reefs at Muar River and coastal lines of Kesang using artificial materials and natural components to rebuild the reefs in an attempt to regenerate the oyster population thus fostering the reformation of reefs. This program is still at negotiation stage with the authorities and we will update you from time to time.

 Current oyster population at Muar River is showing that it is at the brink of extinction

3) Oysters from Muar River taste best. Eating an oyster at a restaurant is nice and its flavor is explosive when it comes straight from the brackish water of Muar River.  You eat it moments just after it's been plucked and shucked. It is said that the oysters from Muar River taste best. 

It was recorded in a journal that  oysters from Muar River were famous because they had been reserved for the Sultan and the officials (R. Hanitsch, 1908).

One of the dishes available at Oyster Reef is called Oyster Shooter

4) New species?  There are a few species of oysters found in Malaysia. The one that is found at Muar River and the coastal lines of Kesang has been confirmed is of new species and only found here! Nowhere on earth you can find these oysters.  We are proud that we are able to trace their existence back to year 1858 and bring the outcome of the research to the public soon!  

5) Picking oysters for the bottom of the river is very  unique.  

The activity of collecting oysters  is very unique here because oysters are being collected during low tide by traditional fishermen who dived into the water  in small boats. Oysters are being collected from its muddy bottom at a depth of 15 to 20 feet. These fishermen are not wearing swimming equipment such as oxygen gas to collect the oysters, that is why this activity is very unique. Would you like to see them collecting oysters from your own boat?